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Now the first "adopted" family that I would like to talk about are the Reynolds, Clement and Temperence. Now this is a couple that has changed the lives of many people, including the lives of my mom, brothers and myself. I met them just after my mom, brothers and I moved to Roseburg, Or. between my 6th and 7th grade years. They were attending the church that we found a home in. They soon took us under thier wing and ,having no children of thier own and both being late in years, adopted us into thier family. They are a couple of the most intelligent people that I have ever met, and some of the most loving. They taught us all about God and brang us closer to him. Clem also had a hobbie of growwing roses, and man did he have a beautiful rose garden. This of course sparked my love for roses. Now I know, "Everyone" loves roses, no it is more than that. Have you ever stopped and really looked at some, all of the different varieties, shapes and sizes. Some have thorns, some grow on vines. Now this may sound kind of sick, but my favorite are Black roses, not the ones that you cut and stick in water with black food coloring, but real black roses. "Why?!?" you may ask. Well for one, you just don't see them and two, they are georgous.