- Please check out ALL of my links. That's what they're there for. If the link was too personal for you to browse through then it wouldn't be there so feel free to surf through all of my pages! The following links will take you to different areas of my life. My friends, my life in the Marine Corps, loved ones, and some sayings that I have picked up from here and there.
Welcome, lets start by introducing myself, my name is Greg "BIRDAWG" Bird and I'm
glad to see that you've found my page. I have designed this page for a few reasons, the main one is to advertise myself to the rest of the world and one of the best ways of doing that is to take you to my resume. The other big reason that I made this page is to help keep my family and friends up to date with all of the changes that are going on in my life and the lives of my family and friends. For those of you who don't know anything about me and would like to get to know me, or if you have known me for years and just want to see why I am the way I am...check out my autobiography page. It like many of the pages are always being worked on and are never quite finished, for which I
One of the things we all take for granted...are those things which we already have and love. We don't realize how much we really care for them until they are gone. This link is dedicated to Lisa Bird, my Wife, a woman who has changed my life more than I can possibly describe.
You know how when people win awards such as an Oscar or a Grammy, they thank everyone, but seldom do they mention
their father, mother or siblings. I believe that they are a very big part of our lives and help to make us who we are today. My family has done that and more. They have always been there in the good times, the bad times and all of the ones in-between.
Now for all of you with that "Superior Intellect" or just want to read something somewhat interesting, then visit my sayings page. Some of you might not agree with some of the, well heck I don't even agree with some of them. If you read them, please be sure to keep an open mind. I have
accumulated them over a long period of time, from here, there and everywhere.
One thing that we can never forget are those that are no longer with us, this page is dedicated in loving memory to my daughter
Rebecca Lynn Bird.
Now, for all of you that currently make your own web pages, or are thinking about it then I have just the thing for you, my html help page. It has anything from animated gifs and midi files to html
color codes. So take a look. You never know I just might surprise you with some of the things that I have there.
One of the most important things in life each one of us must remember, is our Friends. Without friends life would be long and boring and you'd have
no one to share happy moments with. Take a quick look at some of the friends I've acquired over the years. (All that have sent me their photos anyways.)
But of course I cannot forget the little people, HA HA!! I would like all of you to visit my links page. All of the links are ones that I have used to
acquire some of my knowledge, pictures and ideas or I just think the page has some cool stuff.
Feel free to e-mail me with your comments or suggestions! I'd be happy to hear from ya! E-mail me at [email protected] and I'll send a reply A.S.A.P!